Q2 2022 – A movie in a single frame

This quarter PICZ invites you to engage in story telling.
Tell us a whole story in a single picture. Drive our imagination and our mind to new places with only one shot. Pass on stronger messages with one single photography than what you would do with ten pages. 
The pictures you will be taking for this contest will also be of great use for our September PhotoLaundry event as it will be one our topic for this year famous open air exhibition.


  • Contest Opening: 5th of April 2022
  • Contest Closing: 30th of June 2022
  • Public Vote Opening: 1st of July 2022
  • Public Vote Closing: 15th of July 2022
  • Jury decision: by end of July 2022



  • One competition per quarter
  • Open to all photographers based in Switzerland
  • 3 pictures / per participants

The juries

  • 3 professional photographers
  • You!!!!
    • 1 x public prize
    • Electronic votes
  • -> 2 prizes every quarter


Next photo
Contest is finished!
Title: A long way back
Author: tomasz
Votes: 2

Views: 248