2024-1 – Time and motion

For the first competition of 2024 in the revised 4 month format, the theme is “time and motion”.  The aim is to find images that show the passage of time, or maybe just an instant, or movement


  • The idea is capture motion or show the passage of time or an instant in time
  • Some ideas:
    • Long exposure
    • Very short exposure!
    • Multiple exposure
    • Motion blur
    • Clocks/mechanisms
    • Panning


  • Start date: 6th of May 2024
  • Submission Closure:  14th July 2024
  • Public Vote Opening: 15th July 2024
  • Public Vote Closing: 31st August 2024
  • Winners announced: September monthly meeting



  • Three competitions per annum (starting 2nd quadrimester, 2024)
  • Open to all photographers based in Switzerland
    • Free for PICZ members
    • 5CHF for non-member
  • 3 pictures / per participants

The juries

  • 3 professional/highly experienced photographers
    • 1 x jury prize
    • Jury composition being updated
  • You!!!!
    • 1 x public prize
    • Electronic votes
  • -> 2 prizes every quarter


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Contest is finished!
Title: Twisted Water
Author: Marco
Votes: 1

Views: 75
Description: A blade of grass that got caught in a forked branch and reached its tip straight down into the small stream. As the temperature dropped, the blade of grass moved in the flowing water and formed this wonderful ice sculpture. The amount of time that has passed can be seen from the size of the ice that has formed.